1.[INFOCOM 2025]Demin Gao,Wenchao Jiang, Weizheng Wang,Zhaoyang Han,Yunhuai Liu,LoFi: Physical-layer CTC from LoRa to WiFi with IEEE 802.11ax,IEEE
International Conference on Computer Communications,(CCF A 类会议, Accepted, 272/1458)
2.[TMC 2024]Haoyu Wang, Jiazhao Wang, Wenchao Jiang, Shuai Wang, Demin Gao†,Physical Layer Cross-Technology Communication via Explainable Neural
Networks[J], IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024,DOI: 10.1109/TMC.2024.3480109 (CCF A 类期刊, Top, IF=7.7)
3.[TRel 2024]Xiaonan Wang, Yimin Lu and Demin Gao, Reliable Data Forwarding for Information-centric Underwater IoT[J], IEEE Transactions on Reliability,
2024, DOI:10.1109/TR.2024.3471529, (JCR一区, IF=5.0)
4.[TMC 2024]Demin Gao, Ou Liyuan, Chen Yongrui, Guo xiuzhen, etal, Physical-layer CTC from BLE to Wi-Fi with IEEE 802.11ax[J], IEEE Transactions on
Mobile Computing, 2024,DOI:10.1109/ TMC.2024.3462941, (CCF A 类期刊, Top, IF=7.7)
5.[TCOM 2024]Demin Gao, Haoyu Wang, Shuai Wang, Weizheng Wang, etal, WiLo: Long-Range Cross-Technology Communication from Wi-Fi to LoRa[J], IEEE
Transactions on Communications, 2024, DOI:10.1109/TCOMM.2024.3461574,(CCF B 类期刊,JCR一区,Top, IF=7.2,IEEE hot news:
6.[TMM 2024]Demin Gao, Liyuan Ou, Ye liu, Qing Yang, Honggang Wang, DeepSpoof: Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Spoofing Attack in Cross-
Technology Multimedia Communication, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 2024, DOI: 10.1109 /TMM. 2024.3414660(CCF B类期刊,中科院一
区,Top, IF=8.4)
7.[WASA 2024]Demin Gao, Liyuan Ou, Yongrui Chen, Ye Liu, Qing Yang, "ZigRa: Physical-layer Cross-Technology Communication from ZigBee to LoRa."
WASA: International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications,2024 (CCF C类会议 )
8.[IPSN 2024]Haoyu Wang, Jiazhao Wang, Wenchao Jiang, Demin Gao, "NNCTC: Physical Layer Cross-TechnologyCommunication via Neural Networks." IPSN:
The ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks,2024 (CCF B 类会议,TH-CPL A 类会议 )
9.[IPSN 2024]Haoyu Wang, Jiazhao Wang, Xin Lv, Demin Gao, Wenchao Jiang, "Demo Abstract: An Interpretable and Trainable CTC Framework", IPSN: The
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks,2024 (CCF B 类会议,TH-CPL A 类会议 )
10.[IoT J2023] Demin Gao, Yunhuai Liu, Bin Hu,Lei Wang, Weiwei Chen, Yongrui Chen, Tian He , Time Synchronization based on Cross-Technology
Communication for IoT Networks [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3282202(中科院一区,Top,IF=10.2)
11.[NSDI 2023]Jiazhao Wang, Wenchao Jiang,Ruofeng Liu,Bin Hu,Demin Gao, Shuai Wang, NN-Defined Modulator: Reconfigurable and Portable Software
Modulator on IoT Gateways, NSDI: Networked Systems Design and Implementation,2023(CCF A 类会议)
12. [IoT J2023] Demin Gao, Haoyu Wang, XiuZhen Guo, Lei Wang, Guan Gui, WeiZheng Wang, et al, Federated Learning Based on CTC for Heterogeneous
Internet of Things [J]. IEEE Internet of Things Journal,2023. DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.2023.3282202 (中科院一区,Top,IF=10.2)
13. [RS 2023] Lin X, Cheng Y, Chen G, Demin Gao, et al. Semantic Segmentation of China’s Coastal Wetlands Based on Sentinel-2 and Segformer [J]. Remote
Sensing, 2023, 15(15): 3714. (JCR一区, Top)
14.[TNSE 2022] Demin Gao, Lei Wang, Bin Hu, Spectrum Efficient Communication for Heterogeneous IoT Networks, IEEE Transactions on Network Science and
Engineering, 11 February 2022 , 10.1109/TNSE.2022.3150575 (JCR一区, IF=6.6)
15. [RS 2022] Guan Z, Miao X, Mu Y, Demin Gao, et al. Forest fire segmentation from Aerial Imagery data Using an improved instance segmentation model [J].
Remote Sensing, 2022, 14(13): 3159. (JCR一区, Top)
16.[CC 2021] Demin Gao, Shuai Wang, Yunhuai Liu, Wenchao Jiang, Zhijun Li, Tian He,Spoofing-Jamming Attack based on Cross-Technology Communication
for Wireless Networks[J],Computer Communications,2021(177):86-95(CCF B类期刊,JCR一区, IF=6.0,The 2023 Best Researcher Award on Internet of
Things and Applications)
17.[SCN 2021] Quan Sun, Xinyu Miao,Zhihao Guan,Jin Wang, Demin Gao, Spoofing Attack Detection Using Machine Learning in Cross-Technology
Communication [J], Security and Communication Networks, 2021(CCF C类期刊)
18.[CC 2021]Demin Gao, Maximum Network Throughput Based on Cross-Technology Communication for Sensor Networks[J],China Communications,2021,18(10):
30-44. (JCR一区)
19.[TVT 2020] Demin Gao, Zhijun Li, Yunhuai Liu, Tian He, Neighbor Discovery based on Cross-Technology Communication for Mobile Applications [J], IEEE
Transactions on Vehicular Technology,2020, 69(10): 11179-11191,DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2020.3008283(CCF B类期刊, JCR一区, Top,IF=6.8)
20.[TSC 2020] Lei Wang, Qiang He, Demin Gao, Jing Wan, and Yunqiu Zhang, “Temporal-Perturbation Aware Reliability Sensitivity Measurement for Adaptive
Cloud Service Selection”, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, 2020. (CCF A类期刊,JCR一区, IF=8.1)
22.Demin Gao, Haifeng Lin, Yunfei Liu, Guoxin Wu, Maximum Data Collection Rate in Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks with Multiple Sinks, China
Communications[J], 2016,13(2): 95-108. (JCR 1区,IF=4.1)
23.Demin Gao, Haifeng Lin, Xiaofeng Liu, Routing Protocol for k-Anycast Communication in Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks[J], Computer Standards &
Interfaces,2016,(43)12-20. (JCR 1区,IF=5.0)
24.Demin Gao, Guoxin Wu, Yunfei Liu, Fuquan Zhang, Bounded End-to-End Delay with Transmission Power Control Techniques for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor
Networks[J], AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 2014,68(5):395-405. (JCR 1区,IF=3.2)
25.Demin Gao, Shuo Zhang, Fuquan Zhang,HAS-MAC: A Hybrid Asynchronous and Synchronous Communication System for Energy-Harvesting Wireless Sensor
Networks[J], Wireless Personal Communications,2021,119 (2):1743-1761.JCR 2区
26.Demin Gao, Yunfei Liu, Fuquan Zhang, Jun Song, Data Aggregation Routing for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks in Forest Monitoring [J], Wireless
Personal Communications, 2014, 79(1): 773-788. JCR 2区
27.Demin Gao, Yunfei Liu, Fuquan Zhang, Jun Song, Anycast Routing Protocol for Forest Monitoring in Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks[J], International
Journal of Distributed Sensor Network, 2013;9(12):1-13. JCR 2区
28.Demin Gao, Zhang Shuo, Zhang Fuqan, Fan Xijian, Zhang Jinchi. Maximum Data Generation Rate Routing Protocol Based on Data Flow Controlling Technology
for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks[J]. CMC-Computers Materials & Continua, 2019, 59(2): 649-667, JCR 2 区
29.Demin Gao, Haifeng Lin, Yunfei Liu, Fuquan Zhang. Maximum Network Throughput Based on Distributed Algorithm for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor
Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks,2017,35(3-4): 217-259 (SCI,EI)
30.Demin Gao, Haifeng Lin, Yunfei Liu, Anna Jiang. Minimizing End-to-End Delay Routing Protocol for Rechargeable Wireless Sensor Networks. Ad Hoc & Sensor
Wireless Networks,2016,34(1-4):77-98.(SCI,EI)
邮 箱:dmgao@njfu.edu.cn gdmnj@163.com