
Email:chenluyuanuestc@hotmail.com, chen_luyuan@njfu.edu.cn






陈芦园,南京林业大学信息科学技术学院、人工智能学院。本硕分别毕业于西南大学和西北工业大学,2024年6月在电子科技大学获得工学博士学位,期间2023年赴意大利罗马大学公派联合培养一年。主要从事信息融合、智能决策推理和不确定人工智能等领域的研究工作,研究成果以(学生)第一作者身份在Information Sciences, Knowledge-based System, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence等刊物上发表论文10余篇。


○ Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*. Entropy of Random Permutation Set. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 2023: 1-19. (Highly Cited Paper, 中科院4区)

○ Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*, and Kang Hao Cheong*. The Distance of Random Permutation Set. Information Sciences, 2023, 628: 226-239. (中科院1区top, IF: 8.1)

○ Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*. GDTRSET: a generalized decision-theoretic rough sets based on evidence theory. Artificial Intelligence Review, 2023: 1-22.(中科院2区,IF: 12)

○ Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*, and Kang Hao Cheong*. Permutation Jensen–Shannon divergence for random permutation set. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2023, 119: 105701. (中科院2区top,小类1区,IF:8)

○ Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*. A new probability transformation approach of mass function. Soft Computing, 2023: 1-10. (中科院3区, IF: 4.1)

○ Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*. An improved evidential Markov decision making model. Applied Intelligence. 2022 52(7): 8008-8017. (中科院2区, IF: 5.3)

○ Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*, and Kang Hao Cheong*. Probability transformation of mass function: A weighted network method based on the ordered visibility graph. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. 2021 105: 104438. (中科院2区top, 小类1区, IF: 8)

○ Luyuan Chen, Zhen Li, Xinyang Deng*. Emergency alternative evaluation under group decision makers: a new method based on entropy weight and DEMATEL. International journal of systems science, 2020, 51(3): 570-583. (中科院4区, IF: 2.28)

○ Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*. A new failure mode and effects analysis model using Dempster–Shafer evidence theory and grey relational projection method. Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2018, 76: 13-20. (Highly Cited Paper, 中科院2区top, 小类1区, IF: 8)

○ Luyuan, Chen, Xinyang Deng*. A modified method for evaluating sustainable transport solutions based on AHP and Dempster–Shafer evidence theory. Applied Sciences, 2018, 8(4): 563. (Highly Cited Paper, 中科院3区)

○ Luyuan, Chen, Xinyi Zhou, Fuyuan Xiao, et al. Evidential analytic hierarchy process dependence assessment methodology in human reliability analysis. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2017, 49(1): 123-133. (中科院4区, IF: 2.7)

○ Hui Yu*, Luyuan, Chen, and JingTao Yao. A three-way density peak clustering method based on evidence theory. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2021 211: 106532. (中科院1区top, IF: 8.8)

○ Hui Yu*, Luyuan, Chen, and JingTao Yao. A three-way clustering method based on an improved DBSCAN algorithm. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2019 535: 122289. (中科院3区, IF: 3.3)

○ Zhen Li*, Luyuan, Chen. A novel evidential FMEA method by integrating fuzzy belief structure and grey relational projection method. Engineering applications of artificial intelligence, 2019, 77: 136-147. (中科院2区top, 小类1区, IF: 8)

○ Bingguang Hao, Yuelin Che, Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*. A generalized Renyi entropy to measure the uncertainty of a random permutation set. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 2023: 1-13. (中科院4区, IF: 0.8)

○ Liguo Fei, Hongping Wang, Luyuan, Chen, Yong Deng*. A new vector valued similarity measure for intuitionistic fuzzy sets based on OWA operators. Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2019, 16(3): 113-126. (中科院4区, IF: 1.8)

○ Luyuan Chen, Yong Deng*. A new entropy-based uncertainty measure for rough set. Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining, Proceedings of FSDM 2023

○ Hui Yu, Luyuan Chen, et al., Identifying top-k important nodes based on probabilistic-jumping random walk in complex networks, The Sixth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications, (2018).


[1] 2024年一流学科-水杉师资科研启动费,主持,在研

[2] 西北工业大学研究生创意创新种子基金, 主持,结题

